What the World Needs Now

I looked up a song from the 60’s that came to mind this morning. “What the World Needs Now,” lyrics by Hal David, sung by Jackie DeShannon. It is a pretty song. It came out in 1965. America’s involvement in Viet Nam was ramping up. The Civil Rights Movement was…

The Covid-19 Shake-up

It’s a shaking “of Biblical proportions.” That’s the effect Covid-19 is having on our society and the world economy. More significantly, it is the effect it is having on the economy of many, many individuals. And, it is the effect it is having on the life-style of pretty much every…

Applying the Lord’s Prayer

Religious activities, like giving to the poor (Mt 6:2-4), prayer (vv. 5-8), and fasting (vv. 16-18), are not for public spectacle. That’s how they become “religious.” They are meant to be spiritual activities, between you and God. They are meant to honor and show love for the heavenly Father. “Our…

Shaken – with a Purpose

He changes: RIVERS into a WILDERNESS SPRINGS OF WATER into a THIRSTY GROUND A FRUITFUL LAND into a SALT WASTE Because of the wickedness of those who dwell in it. True wickedness is settling for and embracing the temporal instead of the eternal. Let me rephrase that. True wickedness is settling for and…

Need to know love?

I was praying  this morning, and it turned into praying for someone to  know more of God’s love. Paul prayed a prayer in Ephesians 3, and it became the core of my prayer this morning. I’m putting a blank, instead of a specific pronoun, so that it can be an…

An Invitation

How to be joyful, without faking it. Come join me on a journey into joy. We are supposed to have joy as Christians, right? How do you find joy in a world like we have seen this month? The death of two black men at the hands of police officers…

A Jewel from My Journal

Back in ancient times, when personal computers were little more than a gleam in the eyes of men like Steve Jobs & Bill Gates, people didn’t blog. There was no web to log your thoughts on. You actually had to use paper and pen. I know! Right? I can almost…

Sheep in the House

I’ve been considering God’s presence and His house, in part because of several songs which have that theme, including 3 or 4 based on Psalm 84. Recently, as I was singing some of these songs on a Sunday morning, Psalm 23 came to mind. At first, I didn’t get the…

Thankful for a Voice

My good friend, Dennis Jernigan, is a psalmist. He writes praise and worship songs. He prefers to think of himself as a song receiver. And that seems accurate – his songs are from the Lord, and they touch hearts and lives and are meaningful songs of worship not just for…

The Monster Called Mundane

It’s been a tough couple of weeks in the “for all things” category. Have you ever found things not going your way at work? Have you been mistreated by your employer and/or your customers? Lied to? Overworked? I could go into the details, but I’m afraid it would come across…