An Invitation

How to be joyful, without faking it. Come join me on a journey into joy. We are supposed to have joy as Christians, right? How do you find joy in a world like we have seen this month? The death of two black men at the hands of police officers…

Two Dreams

The “alarm cat” went off a little early this morning. Our cat, Flower, wakes me just about every morning requesting breakfast, usually shortly before the alarm clock goes off. He was about an hour early this morning. I told him so, scratched his head a little, and went back to…

I Choose Thanks

I guess this could be one of those “Well, duh!” moments. I have a blog that’s about giving thanks always for all things. What I post here, ultimately, is about giving thanks. Not every post may seem so, but those that do not are building the case for those that…

Work That Does Not Work

We got a new bird feeder! I love it. It’s squirrel proof. They step on the perch and the bird feeder goes to work. No matter how hard the squirrels work at getting the bird seed, all their efforts are without effect. All their work, does not work. The way…

Profoundly Simple, Simply Profound

Okay, so God’s the “prime mover.” He reaches out to man and provides a means of reconciliation. He calls us to Himself. He provides atonement for our sins. He wrapped Himself in flesh and opened the way for us to abide in His presence. Our part is to cease from…

Corn Kernel Christianity

Wo! Spring is coming. Can you believe it?!? It’s almost time to plant our garden. I always have the best intentions in the Fall. I’m going to till the garden several times during the winter – work in material from the compost bins and leaves from the yard. In January,…

Adam and Abraham

Most Christians can “share their testimony” of how they “got saved.” However, I am not so sure most understand, or are even aware of the spiritual principles and dynamics of that experience. As a result, they struggle in self-effort to achieve righteousness. They lack a foundation for spiritual growth. They…

Things That Matter

I posted on Facebook a few days ago: Some things only matter because they don’t matter. When we learn to not let things that don’t matter matter so much to us, we find more time to focus on the things that matter. What does that mean? I was getting on…

God Is Faithful

I love 1 Corinthians 1:9. It’s been a favorite verse of mine since I was a teenager. As I was reading in the chapter, earlier this week, verses 4-9 jumped out at me in a way they had not before. They are grouped together. The paragraph ends with verse 9 declaring:…

A Mommy’s Love

I was re-reading Andrew Murray’s Abide in Christ. I highly recommend it. What I read this morning had to do with Jesus being our righteousness. Murray pointed out that as we begin with Christ and begin to understand righteousness, we think of it as something we have to put on…